We must abandon the cold war mentality, cultivate a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality andcooperation, and build a fair and effective collective security mechanism aimed at jointly preventing war andconflict and safeguarding world peace and security. 我们要摒弃冷战思维,树立互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,建立公平、有效的集体安全机制,共同防止冲突和战争,维护世界和平与安全。
Our failure to bring peace and progress would be a setback, not only to the people in Afghanistan, but to the entire enterprise and collective action in the interest of collective security. 我们未能实现和平与进步将是一个倒退,不仅是对阿富汗人民,而且是对实现集体安全利益的整体计划和集体行动的挫折。
Krishnamurti: Why do we do this? Is it not because we want collective security, we want to feel safe? 克:我们为什么这么做?是不是因为我们想要获得集体的安全感,想要感到平安。
But the whole universal system of collective security could be undermined if it were invoked so soon again, particularly after the highly questionable invasion of Iraq in 2003-and would leave those involved liable to prosecution for war crimes before the International Criminal Court in the Hague. 但是,如果这么快就再次引用先例,整个世界共同安全体系可能被渐渐破坏,特别是2003高度可疑地入侵伊拉克后,而且会导致涉入国容易因战争罪被海牙国际犯罪法庭起诉。
The new world order designed by him is the collective security led by the United States, which is different in nature from that of Wilson. 罗斯福设计的战后世界新秩序是由美国领导的大国主宰下的集体安全体系,这一点与威尔逊的集体安全思想具有本质的区别。
Behind every conversation about how dangerous the world will turn out to be resides a simple question. To what degree will the big powers, old and new, locate their national interests in a shared understanding of collective security? 每一个有关世界将变得多么危险的对话背后,都隐藏着一个简单的问题:那些新老大国将在多大程度上将自己的国家利益纳入各国在共同安全方面的共识?
Neutrality and collective Security: the Origins of Wilson's League of Nations Idea 中立与集体安全&伍德罗·威尔逊国联思想的起源
They hold together for collective security. 他们为了共同安全而团结在一起。
World Health Day, devoted this year to international health security, focuses attention on these complex and interrelated threats to our collective security. 世界卫生日今年的主题是国际卫生安全,侧重于对我们集体安全的这些复杂和相互关联的威胁。
Three years ago, when you came here for the Millennium Summit, we shared a vision, a vision of global solidarity and collective security, expressed in the Millennium Declaration. 三年前,当你们来到这里参加地中海峰会,我们看到了一个愿景,在地中海宣言中签署的全球统一和共同安全。
On the Predicaments and Reconstruction of the Collective Security Regime of the United Nations; The Political Development Tendency of the Global Environment Management 论联合国集体安全机制的困境与重构全球环境治理的制度演进及发展趋势研究
This strategy greatly strengthens our collective security, and raises the preventive power of these regulations to new heights. 这一战略大大加强了我们的集体安全,并将条例的预防力量提到新的高度。
In order to establish the collective security system in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States urged both sides to reach normalization. 为在亚太地区建立集体防务体系,美国推动日韩邦交正常化。
First, we should set up the new security concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and collaboration and establish a fair and effective collective security mechanism. 第一,我们要树立互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观,建立公平、有效的集体安全机制。
In the issue of defending IS, his ideas changed from initial hope of collective security to developing his own group; 在维护国际安全问题上,则由最初寄希望于集体安全保障转变为依靠建立自己的集团组织;
However, Asia needs to put collective security first for once. 不过,这一次亚洲需要将集体安全放在首位。
The Security Cooperation between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Central Asia Article 9. The ASCO shall have a complete and perfect international personality. 上海合作组织与集体安全条约组织在中亚的安全合作第九条亚洲安全合作组织具有完全的法律人格。
The Reason and the Disadvantageous Factor of the Soviet Carrying out the Collective Security Policy 苏联推行集体安全政策的原因和不利因素
Soviet Responsibility-Reasons for the Failure of Soviet Collective Security Policy 苏联的责任&苏联集体安全政策失败的原因
Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security. 集体安全理论是战后出现的一种安全构思。
The existing legal system is an important component of the global collective security framework centered around the United Nations. 现有国际军控与裁军法律体系,是以联合国为中心的全球集体安全框架的重要组成部分。
This is a significant step forward for our collective security. 这是走向集体安全的重要一步。
As one kind of multilateral safe concept and mechanism the collective security is existing with a lot of shortcoming after a century years development. 作为一种多边安全概念和机制,集体安全经过近一个世纪的发展,人们在实践中发现集体安全本身存在着许多缺点。
Council on the Collective Security of the Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体集体安全理事会
But joining a collective security organisation is not an absolute necessity for a small country. 对于小国而言,加入一个集体安全组织并非必须之选。
Defence against these threats enhances our collective security. 防范这些威胁将加强我们的集体安全。
In an age of widespread global trade and travel, new and existing diseases can cross national borders and threaten our collective security. 在一个全球贸易和旅游广泛发展的时代,新的和已有的疾病能够超出国家边界,威胁我们的集体安全。
These new governance regimes tell us that countries really want collective security against shared threats. 这些新的治理制度告诉我们,国家真正想要针对共同威胁的集体安全性。
During the Cold War, the OAU initiated attempts to establish African collective security strategy and mechanism. 冷战时期,非统在建立非洲集体安全战略和安全机制方面进行了初步尝试。
The second chapter emphasized on Eisenhower Administration's collective security policy in Asia. 第二章着重论述了艾森豪威尔政府的亚洲集体安全政策。